Saturday, January 28, 2012

Apple's main contract manufacturer, Foxconn, in China

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc has never turned "a blind eye" to the problems in its supply chain and any suggestion it does not care about the plight of workers is "patently false," Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said in an email to employees.
Cook was responding to a report in The New York Times about working conditions at Apple's main contract manufacturer, Foxconn, in China, an issue that for years has been a thorn in the company's side.
Apple responded in the past by launching independent audits and publishing the results. Earlier this month, Apple for the first time published a list of all its main suppliers.
"What we will not do - and never have done - is stand still or turn a blind eye to problems in our supply chain," he said in the email. "On this you have my word."
The email was first reported by the blog 9to5Mac and Reuters confirmed its authenticity.
"Any suggestion that we don't care is patently false and offensive to us," Cook said in the email.
Apple said earlier it agreed to let an outside agency monitor condition in the factories of its suppliers.
The company has said it made major efforts to improve and communicate its policies following high-profile labor problems at its foreign suppliers and manufacturers, including Foxconn.
The suicides at the plants associated with Apple cast a harsh spotlight on what critics dubbed a militaristic culture that pushed workers to the brink to meet unceasing demand for the company. In response, Apple stepped up the number of facilities it audits, to ensure they meet its code of conduct.
(Reporting By Poornima Gupta; editing by Andre Grenon)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Obama seeks to reform how Congress operates

A few past presidents have thought of these measures, but no president before Obama has had the courage to ask for them on national television. They are long overdue.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

jonymor: Gingrich calls for moon base, space contests

jonymor: Gingrich calls for moon base, space contests: Hopefully, Newt Gingrich can open some eyes and light a fire under our government leaders. I do not believe that he will even come close to ...

Gingrich calls for moon base, space contests

Hopefully, Newt Gingrich can open some eyes and light a fire under our government leaders. I do not believe that he will even come close to becoming our next president, but their is a strategic urgency in establishing a US base on the moon. China has said that they are going to put a military base on the moon. China's announcement of it's plans together with the mothballing of our space shuttles and cuts in our space programs scares the hell out of me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

South Sudan oil

Since money is a key recruiting element used by terrorist, the U.S can do a lot to prevent the growth and expansion of terrorist activities by supporting democratic countries in Africa. If we help them now with economic opportunities, education and military support when needed, they will be less likely to fall victims to terrorism and anti-American rhetoric. Be a friend to those who would be your friend first and the rest will follow.

jonymor: Kenyan jets bombed an al Shabaab rebel base in sou...

jonymor: Kenyan jets bombed an al Shabaab rebel base in sou...: Kenya is a democratic country in East Africa that has declared war on al Shabaab and al-Qaeda. When I visited Kenya in the mid 1960's, Keny...

Kenyan jets bombed an al Shabaab rebel base in southern Somalia

Kenya is a democratic country in East Africa that has declared war on al Shabaab and al-Qaeda. When I visited Kenya in the mid 1960's, Kenya was a friend to the U.S. even as the British were slaughtering Massai tribesmen in the streets. Today we have a greater urgency to support Kenya with military assistance and manpower because they are fighting our enemies.
Unlike Afghanistan which is ruled by a drug dealer or Iraq which has consistently shown to be anti American, Kenya has proven to be pro American. Yet we send hundreds of thousands of troupes to Iraq and Afghanistan with billions of dollars in aid and only 105 troupes to all of Africa. Does loyalty to our friends have a color line and should it be swayed by politics and racism.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Obama sending 5 US military officers to S. Sudan

 Obama sending 5 US military officers to S. Sudan
"Umm, Hundred's of Thousands to Iraq and Afghanistan and 105 to Africa. It seems that protecting human rights only applies to non-blacks."

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A strong message to all African leaders.

Although I am against the death penalty, a strong message needs to be sent to all the sadistic African leaders that death will be their reward for inhuman treatment and murder of inhabitants regardless of their citizenship or tribal affiliation.

jonymor: An anti-american drug dealing gangster

jonymor: An anti-american drug dealing gangster: Obama's biggest mistake was to follow Bush into Afghanistan. As long as Karzai is in power, the U.S. is just throwing away money and America...
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