Friday, September 14, 2012

Romney on debates: Obama will 'say things that aren't true'

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Mitt Romney is preparing the public for the lies he will tell by saying that Obama will lie, before the debates start. If you know that Obama is going to lie, then you must know what the lie will be, so convince me true blue Mitt. What's the lie.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This was a senseless act of ignorance by extremists that are not comfortable with their beliefs. The common usage of the term blasphemy is slurs against God, not prophets of God, and If they were comfortable in their belief that Mohammad was the last of the great prophets, then they should be confident that the legacy of Mohammad could and would defend it's self. Their pathetic act only gave haters and would be Muslims more ammunition to degrade Islam. If you react this way just because someone insulted your faith, you have no faith.

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
This was a senseless act of ignorance by extremists that are not comfortable with their beliefs.
The common usage of the term blasphemy is slurs against God, not prophets of God, and If they were comfortable in their belief that Mohammad was the last of the great prophets, then they should be confident that the legacy of Mohammad could and would defend it's self. Their pathetic act only gave haters and would be Muslims more ammunition to degrade Islam. If you react this way just because someone insulted your faith, you have no faith.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Five ‘Reasons' to Re-elect Obama

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Larry Elder must be a Republican groupy. He has a twisted version of history. The recession of 1981 was caused by Ronald Reagan and because he was not intelligent enough to fix it, he manipulated the unemployment numbers rather than create jobs by including the U.S. military in the jobs report to bring the unemployment rate down from around 10 percent to 7 percent.
Before Reagan took office the unemployment rate was at 6 percent and the military was not used in the calculations.
Reaganomics was a disaster and anyone that believes otherwise needs to research history.
Solyndra, which has been hung around Obama's neck was pushed by Bush, approved by Bush and only mentioned by Obama to promote his clean energy initiative.

Romney pounces on Obama over disappointing job news

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
The only reason we are still talking about job numbers is the Republicans racially motivated "Just Say No" platform. The upcoming election will be watched even more closely by the Western World than the last because racism has reared it's ugly head led by the Republican party and tarnished the election process. I said before that naming the health care overhaul was racially motivated.
When Roosevelt tried to pass it, it wasn't called Roosevelt Care, and when Truman tried to pass it, it wasn't called Truman Care and When Clinton tried to pass it , it wasn't called Clinton Care.
As "Obama Care" becomes more popular, what started as a snide insult to Obama will become a well earned tribute to him and his presidency.

Johnny Moore7:18 PMEdit
No Muslim that sends out suicide bombers, kills and enslaves other Muslims or people of the book is a true Muslim. Farihin Fong Sho Ghi Abdullah, you are an idiot that needs to study the teaching of the Prophet. Ignorance is not blessed nor will your stupidity bring you closer to Allah.

Will US terrorist label for Haqqani network push Pakistan into a corner?

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
These are the people that spit in our face and call us stupid, and guess what, we take it and give them financial aid as a way of saying thank you.
I love Hillary for her courage in standing up against the terrorist organizations. None of the previous Secretary's of State has shown her courage or ability to handle the job as Secretary of State.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Forceful arrests inflame sentiment toward LAPD

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Is the real reason "Because there's videotape in these incidents, they get a lot of media attention," Smith said." or is it that you are doing to us the very things we have hired you to protect us from.
A criminal in a police uniform is a more dangerous criminal because his prey is unprotected.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Livestrong donations skyrocket after Armstrong’s decision

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Lance Armstrong has never given a positive test and if he had, who cares. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency needs to get a life and leave Lance Armstrong alone. I would like to see the NBA, NFL and whatever they call baseball to stop censorship of athletes and stop the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency from harassing it's athletes.
Athletes do whatever to takes to be the best and should not be shackled by U.S. Anti-Doping Agency no matter how well they claim their intentions are.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oil price falls after report of more supplies

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
With the advances in hydrogen technology, the need for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is diminishing as our hydrogen powered fleets of military vehicles and power units increase.
Due to the military's purchase of hydrogen technology and power units by Western Countries, the price of oil stock will plummet within the next five to ten years.
If the U.S. Government. decides to play catch-up with the western block of countries and help in building of a public
hydrogen infrastructure across the interior of the U.S., it would hasten the demise of our dependence on foreign oil and sharply decrease the flow of cash to terrorist countries.
California along with some of the East Coast states have begun to build a public hydrogen infrastructure.
What's needed now is for the Federal Government to step up to the plate and offer incentives to build a public hydrogen infrastructure across the interior of the U.S. The government needs to work with private industry to promote technology that is in our best interest. Toyota has promised to release a hydrogen fueled vehicle in 2015, Honda has been selling hydrogen fueled vehicles to a select few for a number of years. Most of the remaining companies have completed testing and are prepared to release a hydrogen fueled model as soon as we put together an infrastructure that will support consumer confidence in refueling the vehicles.

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