Thursday, January 5, 2012

Great ideas from Kanye West

I hope he gets the support needed to make it happen.
" " West has a particular interest in reforming education, and he spitballed a few ideas he believes will "prep human beings for real life," such as allowing kids to use search engines on their smart phones while taking tests, pushing for math classes that teach children accounting and money management, and a concept he has concocted with director Spike Jonze about a summer school that would offer an alternative curriculum."

Monday, December 26, 2011

jonymor: 12 Days of Christmas: Hottest Holiday Health Gifts...

jonymor: 12 Days of Christmas: Hottest Holiday Health Gifts...: "Dr. Oz’s 12 Days of Christmas: Hottest Holiday Health Gifts" IS A SCAM. Dr Oz gives his web site as a portal to sign up for the gifts, but ...

12 Days of Christmas: Hottest Holiday Health Gifts

"Dr. Oz’s 12 Days of Christmas: Hottest Holiday Health Gifts" IS A SCAM. Dr Oz gives his web site as a portal to sign up for the gifts, but there is no place on the web site to sign up to win the gifts.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

jonymor: The Payroll Tax Cut Bill is a Waste of Time, Effor...

jonymor: The Payroll Tax Cut Bill is a Waste of Time, Effor...: Bravo to S.L. Carroll for the article on The Payroll Tax Cut Bill. Allowing it to die will do more to help the people and the economy and is...

The Payroll Tax Cut Bill is a Waste of Time, Effort and Money

Bravo to S.L. Carroll for the article on The Payroll Tax Cut Bill. Allowing it to die will do more to help the people and the economy and is the only sensible thing to do.

jonymor: Tax Cuts

jonymor: Tax Cuts: I see this as a win win for Democrats and the economy. The tax cuts will do very little for the individual , but will be seen as a tax incre...

Tax Cuts

I see this as a win win for Democrats and the economy. The tax cuts will do very little for the individual , but will be seen as a tax increase caused by the Republican Party and a reduction in spending by the Democratic Party. Bottom line, a negligible physical impact on the deficit, but a huge political impact for the Republican Party. The Republican Party is making Obama look better and better. Go Republicans.

Monday, December 19, 2011

50 Facts

If when Barack Obama first took office the national debt was 10.6 trillion dollars and on a downward spiral as indicated by the 50 Facts, then Barack Obama has done a miraculous job of slowing down the downward spiral with just a 4.4 trillion dollar investment. After all, when Bush took office the national debt had a surplus of trillions of dollars. Is your memory and intelligence so short that you cannot see that Bush was laughing all the way to the bank while calling you and all his supporters suckers. Keep blaming Obama and put another Bush in office.
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