Monday, November 19, 2012

Mercedes Ener-G-Force concept imagines the SUV of 2025

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Republicans say Rice must testify on Benghazi statements

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    McCain's critisisim of Susan Rice is baseless and movtivated by the dumb decision of selecting Sarah Palin as his running mate. Susan Rice stands heads and shoulders above Sarah Palin and it's childish for McCain to make her the scapegoat for his alter ego.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Romney faces scrutiny on aid in storm's wake

  • jonymor

    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    How many faces does Romney have? We have seen at least two faces of Romney in every crisis situation from Obama Care to the bail out and now Sandy.
    Romney's actions show an obvious disregard for the American people in anticipation of personal financial gain. Count the crisis situations and multiply by two to see how many faces Romney has.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Would Romney abolish FEMA? His campaign says no

  • jonymor
    Do you believe that someone who flip-flops daily on issues can effectively lead our country? Do you believe that person will continue to flip to appease his constituency? Do you believe that the presidency will make that person more rational? Do you believe in fairy tales??? If you do, then vote for the Double R Brand "Romney and Ryan."

Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney, Ryan Pitched FEMA Cuts

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    What Romney is saying only makes sense to idiots that believe in the false promise of smaller government. State governments in hurricane alley could not have survived on their own. Without FEMA, the disaster volunteers and agencies like the Red Cross working together, the states in hurricane alley would be unlivable. Even though Romney and Ryan have signed off on a death certificate for them, they will follow the Republican party like a chicken follows corn to the chopping block. They will not remember Katrina and will ignore Sandy to their detriment.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Up to 40 percent may vote early in election; Obama ahead

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jonymor • a second agoRemove
America needs your vote! We must send a message to the Republican party and all elected officials that we will not stand by and be held captive to a "just say no policy" from any elected officials. Democrats, Republicans and all Americans suffered under the "just say no policy" of the Republican party. It's time to voice your opinion and restore the democratic process by voting those Republicans that participated in the "just say no policy" out of office.

US economic growth improves to 2 pct. rate in Q3

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Our economy is emerging from a healing process due to severe damage brought on because of the Bush administration policies. We are on a path to a sustained economic recovery based on technology and clean energy that will rival the good economic times of the Clinton era.
    Because our economy was so severely damaged,most workers in newly created jobs are paying off debt. As their debt decreases spending will increase and new jobs will increase and our economy will soar. Under President Obama's leadership we will again become the envy of the free world.
    Your choice at the polls will be Obama and prosperity or Romney and a depressed economy. I believe that if you do the math, you will vote for Obama and prosperity Look beyond the obvious and look at the character of the people that are supporting Obama and compare them to the character of the people supporting Romney. Do the math and consider how each candidate changed positions on issues.
    Since the beginning of time we have used math as a tool of measurement and it has never let us down. Do the math now and go to the polls and vote for prosperity.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tax Policy Center in Spotlight for Its Romney Study

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    There is a measure of comfort in hearing someone with more credibility talk about the issues that I saw in Romney's tax plan. The Tax Policy Center correctly said that Romney's plan "would cut taxes for rich families and raise them for everyone else."
    The loop holes and deductions that would be cut under Romney's plan targets the poor and middle class which makes the tax cut an illusion for the poor and middle class and a windfall for the rich.
    Remember Florida and Ohio in 2004 with the hanging chads and disenfranchised voters and help prevent it from happening again by signing the petition at the following link:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

jonymor: Be 'Very Worried' About U.S. Economy in 2013 and 2...

jonymor: Be 'Very Worried' About U.S. Economy in 2013 and 2...:

Be 'Very Worried' About U.S. Economy in 2013 and 2014 Says Rogers

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Congress is controlled by Republicans that will push the US into bankruptcy in an attempt to discredit Obama. All the points that Romney brought up in the debate were the result of the "just say no" policy of the Republican party. From the first day of Obama's presidency the Republican party has used the "just say no" policy at the expense of the American people to prevent Obama from winning a second term.
    President Obama will not bring up the subject because of the reasons for and where the subject leads and we as Americans do not want to show the world that ugly side of the US.
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