Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Obama to propose 'grand bargain' on corporate tax rate, infrastructure

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Republicans are saying no to infrastructure funding hoping that we will cast more blame on Obama for the deficit knowing that previous infrastructure funding has had a 100% success rate in reducing the deficit and creating jobs. Obama's plan as outlined is better and cheaper than all the preceding infrastructure plans of previous administrations and offers other benefits like cutting the U.S. corporate tax rate and a much needed business tax overhaul. The Republican controlled house will oppose it simply because they think that voters are stupid.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Davis Chides Perry, Says She'll 'Fight With Every Fiber' to Stop Abortion Bill

Along with the privilege of being mother to humanity comes a burden that is often times overwhelming. Women are a special class of citizens that require special considerations that are often ignored by weak chauvinistic men or taken for granted by others. Along with that privilege comes the responsibility to protect the lives that have been created inside them. Women today have so many options in dealing with an unwanted pregnancy that killing a fetus is unnecessary, morally wrong and endangers the mother. I believe that women should be made whole if an unwanted pregnancy is a cause of financial loss, but I also believe that a woman that has an abortion should be prosecuted for murder just as a man would be if he was the cause of the death of the fetus.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The "N" word

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
That's Ciara"s take on the "N" word. For me, it's twice as offensive when a black person uses it towards another black person 'regardless of whether that person is an entertainer, or a "rapper." Other races have a legitimate excuse even though the excuse is unacceptable, they are prejudiced against black people. Black people's only excuse for using the "N" word is that they are ignorant. Besides being just plain ignorant, they are ignorant of our history and life as it is today. When they can not relate the "N" word to the young man that was tied behind a pickup truck and dragged until his body was dismembered, Emmett Till, and even Trayvon Martin to name just a few stand out cases, then they are not only ignorant, they have their heads in the sand. Entertainers and especially 'rappers' have a duty and a responsibility to black people because they have the ear of both the racist and the victims of racism.  Paula Deen is a nobody, I would not legitimize her use of the "N" word with a comment.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Democracy supported by "big government" sustains a higher level of employment, our quality of life and maintains the freedoms that we enjoy. Democracy with "smaller government" leads to higher unemployment and a decline in quality of life, chaos, and possibly civil war. The proportionate growth of our government has allowed us to prosper and remain free, so to all those proponents of "smaller government," YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, abortion, and the future of gay marriage

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
I don't believe that because nature made women the bearers of babies, that included in the 10 months of suffering is the right to kill a fetus. I am of the opinion that killing a fetus is as immoral as killing an adult and should be punished as any murder would be.
The interpretation of Roe v. Wade by the courts made the killing of a fetus a privacy matter. My question is, can murder of a fetus be a 'privacy matter', if so, it should be extended to include all murder.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Amber Holcomb, The Stage is Yours

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jonymor • a second agoRemove
When Keith Urban challenged Amber by asking her what her interpretation of “My Funny Valentine” is, I feel that she grew as an artist and as a person. I really wish it had happened early on in the competition because in my opinion her growth in this, her last week propelled her to a tie with Candice Glover as this seasons American Idol.

Kenyan leader, charged by ICC, invited to Somalia meeting in London

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jonymor • a second agoRemove
Uhuru Kenyatta was a baby when the British were slaughtering the Masai in the streets of Mombasa. I hope that he will look back and see the need to protect all Kenyans and not let greed and ethnocentrism taint his administration. As a democratic country, Kenya will become the most powerful country in Africa and an example to all other African countries.
Ethnocentrism, the scourge of Africa, is the curse that has led to the ethnic cleansing of tribes (by their neighbor's and relatives) throughout Africa.
          Africa can lift this curse with a strong compassionate and moral leader.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New database focuses on China's secretive aid to Africa

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jonymor • a second agoRemove
The big question is; why is American companies allowed to invest with our enemies and why do they avoid black countries? African countries have been begging for an alliance with the US for decades. Racism in the board rooms has allowed China to move in and benefit from African countries with natural resources that will enhance it's standing as a world power.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Marijuana Majority: Americans Now Back Legalization: Op-Ed

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Alcohol does more damage to the individual and to society than marijuana, so in my opinion, those that oppose the legalization of marijuana has their head in the sand. By decriminalizing marijuana you take away the profit incentives of drug smugglers and allow the creation of an industry that can bring in tax revenue.
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