Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The "N" word

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
That's Ciara"s take on the "N" word. For me, it's twice as offensive when a black person uses it towards another black person 'regardless of whether that person is an entertainer, or a "rapper." Other races have a legitimate excuse even though the excuse is unacceptable, they are prejudiced against black people. Black people's only excuse for using the "N" word is that they are ignorant. Besides being just plain ignorant, they are ignorant of our history and life as it is today. When they can not relate the "N" word to the young man that was tied behind a pickup truck and dragged until his body was dismembered, Emmett Till, and even Trayvon Martin to name just a few stand out cases, then they are not only ignorant, they have their heads in the sand. Entertainers and especially 'rappers' have a duty and a responsibility to black people because they have the ear of both the racist and the victims of racism.  Paula Deen is a nobody, I would not legitimize her use of the "N" word with a comment.

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