Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vision Industries Wins Order for 100 Fuel Cell Class 8 Heavy Trucks

EL SEGUNDO, CA--(Jul 18, 2011) - Vision Industries Corp. (OTCBB: VIIC) announces that it has received a Letter of Intent from Total Transportation Services, Inc. (TTSI) of Rancho Dominguez, California, to purchase one hundred zero emission Tyrano™ hydrogen fuel cell-electric class 8 heavy-duty trucks at a total purchase price of approximately $27,000,000 dollars. The purchase is subsequent to the successful trial of the initial vehicle which will be delivered to TTSI on Friday the 22nd of July. The Letter of Intent also opens the door for TTSI to purchase an additional three hundred Vision trucks, bringing the total value of a TTSI sales contract to approximately $108 million dollars.

"We are pleased to see such demand from a trucking company of TTSI's caliber. It underlines our assumptions that there are multiple commercial applications for our hydrogen powered zero emission big rigs in today's trucking industry," says Martin Schuermann, CEO of Vision Industries Corp.

To jumpstart the LOI, TTSI will take delivery of the first Vision Tyrano™ zero emission truck for testing in commercial revenue service. The initial truck will perform typical drayage operations, hauling freight containers from port terminals in the Ports of Los Angles and Long Beach to rail yards and other distribution facilities.

Source: Marketwire

This latest development from Vision Industries follows an order (link) from the Port of Los Angeles delivered last April.

Image source:

Source: Fuel Cell Today

Friday, July 15, 2011

Progressive Change Campaign Committee

Bravo to the Members of Progressive Change Campaign Committee for standing up and letting Obama know that he cannot keep selling out his base.

Smaller Government???

When the local mom and pop pop sickle company only serviced the neighborhood, it could effectively hire and manage the Mom and Pop operation. But when sells grew and Mom and Pop opened more manufacturing sites, new departments had to be created and they had to hire managers to oversee the new sites and new departments. When Mom and Pop went national they had to hire regional employment specialist, management and supervisory personnel to oversee and hire managers and workers. When Farmer John sold a few plots of land to his friends and neighbors, it was just community. As the community grew and it became a town, the town required management, services and protection, and a governing board to oversee the management, services and protection. When the town grew and it became a city it needed more departments to service the residents such as transportation and health services. So in view of the real and constant need for a larger Government, the responsible point to make to the public would be to eliminate waste earmarks and corruption in government programs.
As a matter of courtesy to the American people, the Tea Party and the Republican Party should stop talking to us as if we were stupid enough to believe in their “smaller government” concept.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Parents of Obese Kids

Education and Counseling should be required of all parents of obese kids. and teachers should be required to report them to the proper authorities for treatment.
The parent should be counseled, educated and treated, and the child should be removed from the obese parents until they show that they care enough about the health of their kids by both completing a counseling course and getting their weight to within a medically healthy range.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Doom For The Democratic Party

In three years President Obama has turned back 40 years of gains of the of the poor and middle class. If the Democratic Party does not turn its back on Obama and support a strong presidential candicate in 2012, we will no longer have a voice as a political party.
The latest concession, putting cuts to Social Security and Medicare on the table spells doom for the Democratic Party.

Have You Heard Of Fuel Cells?

We came up with an alternative to the gasoline internal combustion engine, hydrogen fuel cells, hybrid hydrogen electric, and electric. The writing is on the wall. When we stop talking and complaining about oil and gasoline prices and start talking about fuel cells, electric and hybrid electric automobiles, the price of oil will drop. I predict that the price of gas will be under $2 a gallon within five years due to the increased availability and use of fuel cells.

Monday, July 4, 2011


If I could say anything to General Petraeus and President Obama about Afghanistan, it would be, you cannot defeat the Taliban by giving weapons and support to a tyrant that aspires to lead the Taliban. The mistakes we are making in Afghanistan today are reminiscent of U.S. support for Fidel Castro's revolution in Cuba.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

"do on to others as you would have them do unto you"

If African nations, including the African Union's rotating chairman Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema would stand up for and respect human rights, it would no longer be necessary for the International Community to step in to help the African People. African rulers have not learned the tenet of "do on to others as you would have them do unto you".
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