Friday, July 15, 2011

Smaller Government???

When the local mom and pop pop sickle company only serviced the neighborhood, it could effectively hire and manage the Mom and Pop operation. But when sells grew and Mom and Pop opened more manufacturing sites, new departments had to be created and they had to hire managers to oversee the new sites and new departments. When Mom and Pop went national they had to hire regional employment specialist, management and supervisory personnel to oversee and hire managers and workers. When Farmer John sold a few plots of land to his friends and neighbors, it was just community. As the community grew and it became a town, the town required management, services and protection, and a governing board to oversee the management, services and protection. When the town grew and it became a city it needed more departments to service the residents such as transportation and health services. So in view of the real and constant need for a larger Government, the responsible point to make to the public would be to eliminate waste earmarks and corruption in government programs.
As a matter of courtesy to the American people, the Tea Party and the Republican Party should stop talking to us as if we were stupid enough to believe in their “smaller government” concept.

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