Thursday, October 18, 2012

Be 'Very Worried' About U.S. Economy in 2013 and 2014 Says Rogers

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Congress is controlled by Republicans that will push the US into bankruptcy in an attempt to discredit Obama. All the points that Romney brought up in the debate were the result of the "just say no" policy of the Republican party. From the first day of Obama's presidency the Republican party has used the "just say no" policy at the expense of the American people to prevent Obama from winning a second term.
    President Obama will not bring up the subject because of the reasons for and where the subject leads and we as Americans do not want to show the world that ugly side of the US.
  • Tuesday, October 16, 2012

    No quick appeals review of Fla. voter purge case


    Jonymor • 
    A few years ago,I worked as a poll watcher to ensure that nothing illegal was done to contaminate  the votes. Now, we must all act as poll watchers to guard our rights to a free and democratic election process and it has to start at the polls. 

    Republicans should not leave it up to Democrats to save them from themselves, we need everyone's support in keeping the voting process free and democratic. If we allow the Republican party to say who can and cannot vote in Ohio and other states that they are challenging as they did (and are still trying) in Florida, it will devastate our democratic system. We will no longer be able to choose our elected officials, we (Democrats and Republicans) will be at the mercy of the Republican party,s big money leadership.
    It's time for the average Republican to step up and say to it's leadership "enough is enough", stop selling us down the river to big money. If there was ever a time for voters to come together and vote for what is right, it's now.

    Monday, October 15, 2012

    Ohio Appeals to Supreme Court on Voting

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    It's up to Democrats to save Republicans from themselves. If we allow the Republican party say who can and cannot vote in Ohio and other states that they are challenging as they did in Florida, it will devastate our democratic system. We will no longer be able to choose our elected officials, we (Democrats and Republicans) will be at the mercy of the Republican party and big money.
    It's time for the average Republican to step up and say to it's leadership "enough is enough", stop selling us down the river to big money.
    Kenneth called it a sacred right in his post "
    352 users liked this comment Rate a Thumb Up Rate a Thumb Down 22 users disliked this comment Kenneth • 2 hours 48 minutes ago Report Abuse
    I can't believe this. I remember people used to say "I don't care who you vote for just vote." Now these thinly veiled attempts to make it harder for some people to vote have replaced what used to be a sacred right that all Americans protected no matter what party the voter supported. The... More." It is a sacred right that should be supported by all parties, not just Democrats..

    Saturday, October 13, 2012

    Do black people support Obama because he's black?

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    The main reason that I support Obama is the really bad choice by the Republican Party for President and Vice President. If the Republican Party had nominated an acceptable candidate, I would have switched my support because of issues like same sex marriage, abortion and immigration which I do not share the Democratic Party's view's of.

    Tuesday, October 9, 2012

    Camaro owner records mechanics abusing car, scheming to get damages paid for

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    I had two bad experiences with GM dealerships which soured me towards GM automobiles. GM makes excellent cars and trucks, but their service departments can not be trusted. If you are going to buy an Asian auto, which GM is now, I would recommend Toyota for service. Toyota not only has the best trained service personnel, they hold their service personnel accountable.

    Monday, October 8, 2012

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    View Post (1 reply today)
    No more lies is right! in saying that ""perhaps you should look at who signed the bills that created this problems, those bills were called Nafta, Gatt, the Fair Credit Act and repealing Glass Steagall, these laws were signed by WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, ..."" AND I will admit that signing those bills was the wrong thing for WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON to do. But the whole switch from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy was the defining project of Ronald Reagan and every one that signed on to it needs their heads examined, including WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON.

    Analysis: Reprogrammed cells open new medical window

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Giving the patients the choice is the right thing to do. For years, doctors have been experimenting not only on Black and Latino patients by administering STD's to sickle cell without their knowledge or consent, but also with wealthy White patients that had no one to advise them. Some of experiments done at hospitals in the U.S. make Hitler look like an angel.

    Sunday, October 7, 2012

    'Made in the U.S.A.' Bucking a 30-year Trend

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Outsourcing our manufacturing along with the necessary technology was the dumbness thing to come out of Reaganomics which makes Ronald Reagan the worst president to ever hold that office. The politicians that continually quote him need to have their heads examined.

    Ark. GOP calls candidates' statements 'offensive'

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    It's entirely possible for a white couple to have one son that is black "James" and another that is "white" Jesus, if and only if one or both parents is partially black. I'm sure our Christian scholars will come with an explanation to explain why Jesus is portrayed as being white when most Israelite's during that period were black.
    Fuqua will be disappointed and disturbed if he does his due diligence and discovers that the person he believes is God in the flesh of man, and the savior of mankind is black.

    Tuesday, October 2, 2012

    Biden: Middle class been 'buried' the last 4 years

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    Jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Mitt Romney is trying to shift the blame for the Republicans "just say no" policy to President Obama and the Democrats. The middle class know that it was the Republicans "just say no" policy that buried them and kept them buried for the last 4 years.
    All right thinking people, Republicans, Democrats and Independents should show their disprovable of the "just say no" policy at the polls in November.
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