Tuesday, October 16, 2012

No quick appeals review of Fla. voter purge case


Jonymor • 
A few years ago,I worked as a poll watcher to ensure that nothing illegal was done to contaminate  the votes. Now, we must all act as poll watchers to guard our rights to a free and democratic election process and it has to start at the polls. 

Republicans should not leave it up to Democrats to save them from themselves, we need everyone's support in keeping the voting process free and democratic. If we allow the Republican party to say who can and cannot vote in Ohio and other states that they are challenging as they did (and are still trying) in Florida, it will devastate our democratic system. We will no longer be able to choose our elected officials, we (Democrats and Republicans) will be at the mercy of the Republican party,s big money leadership.
It's time for the average Republican to step up and say to it's leadership "enough is enough", stop selling us down the river to big money. If there was ever a time for voters to come together and vote for what is right, it's now.

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