Why is Obama fighting for the middle class?
My percentages are not exact, so don't quote me on them.
The rich compose about 10% of the population.
The poor compose about 25% of the population (and growing at the expense of the middle class).
That leaves about 75% for the middle or working class.
The rich obtained and maintain their wealth by leveraging the wealth of the middle or working class.
The middle or working class support and maintain the poor.
When it comes to charitable donations, the middle class will provide a full meal and in most cases will not be able to take a tax deduction, whereas the rich will donate a 5 cent cookie and a 10 cent scoop of ice cream, take a $50 tax write off along with the profits from the prescription drugs needed to treat the cholesterol and high blood pressure caused by the 5 cent cookie and 10 cent ice cream scoop.
The rich are not complaining about Obama's tax policy's because they know that their wealth is dependent on the middle class and without the middle class the poor would be without the charitable organizations that they need to survive.
The previous eight years of Republican control stripped away all the gains that were made under the Clinton Presidency. If we give Congressional control to the Republicans they will resume stripping away at the gains and wealth of this country, increasing the gap between rich and middle or working class Americans.
Obama is fighting for the middle class to protect our way of life and save the country from an economic colaspe causes by eight years of Republican leadership.
Obama is fighting for the middle class to protect our way of life and save the country from an economic colaspe causes by eight years of Republican leadership.