declining economic security
"But Obama said that, for a decade, middle-class families have experienced stagnant incomes and declining economic security whiletax breaks were given to companies that shifted jobs overseas and Wall Street firms reaped huge profits."
The statement by President Obama has been echoed time after time following the Republicans taking the country from a manufacturing base to a supply based economy. It's time to end the talk and take action. We need heavy sanctions against companies that shift jobs over seas and criminal and discrimination charges against high tech companies that shift their manufacturing, training, technical and support services over seas
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12 years ago
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16 years ago
The base of our economy is money, manufacturing and service and is stacked like The Toppling Tetracubes Game. If you remove any one of the three items that make up the base, our economy becomes unstable and a disruption in any of the remaining base items could cause the economy to collapse. When we started shipping manufacturing jobs over seas, we removed one of the supports and made our economy unstable and placed our economic future and survival in the hands of uncontrollable interest both foreign and domestic.