Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Letter from freed slave to former master in 1865 draws attention and once again focuses on the injustice suffered by African-Americans.

The United States paid and is still paying reparations to descendants of the holocaust even though the United States was not responsible for Germany's atrocities. This weighs heavier on African-Americans because we were victims of Nazism and racism in Germany and racism here in America. Yet we had to dig deep into our pockets to pay the descendants of the holocaust.
Then their was the Japanese internment. We were still victims and yet we had to dig once again into our pockets to pay the descendants of the Japanese that were interned during the war.
But all this was in addition to the fact that 100 times as many captured Africans died or were murdered on the way from Africa to the United States as were killed and tortured by Nazi Germany and the interned Japanese combined.
If we are not entitled to reparations, then no-one is.

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