Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Some below poverty line don't qualify for Medicaid Read more:

Both parties in the presidential campaign are focusing on the middle class and leaving the uninsured working poor largely invisible. The uninsured working poor if combined with the 9 to 14 percent unemployed will give whomever can get their support the white house. It's that combination of voters that need to see the writing on the wall, put race aside and retake Congress for the Democrats so that Obama can continue in his struggle to protect both the  uninsured working poor and all Americans. The double R brand (Ryan and Romney) have promised to make insurance unavailable to the uninsured working poor, the unemployed  and to sharply increase premiums to the middle class and seniors.
The double R brand along with the Governors of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas in their denial that there is an equality problem will sacrifice a large number of white voters in order to hurt a small number of black voters. It's time for those voters to wake up and stop being sacrificed to empower the rich. We are in this together, let's fight together for equality.
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