Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This was a senseless act of ignorance by extremists that are not comfortable with their beliefs. The common usage of the term blasphemy is slurs against God, not prophets of God, and If they were comfortable in their belief that Mohammad was the last of the great prophets, then they should be confident that the legacy of Mohammad could and would defend it's self. Their pathetic act only gave haters and would be Muslims more ammunition to degrade Islam. If you react this way just because someone insulted your faith, you have no faith.

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
This was a senseless act of ignorance by extremists that are not comfortable with their beliefs.
The common usage of the term blasphemy is slurs against God, not prophets of God, and If they were comfortable in their belief that Mohammad was the last of the great prophets, then they should be confident that the legacy of Mohammad could and would defend it's self. Their pathetic act only gave haters and would be Muslims more ammunition to degrade Islam. If you react this way just because someone insulted your faith, you have no faith.

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