Monday, October 15, 2012

Ohio Appeals to Supreme Court on Voting

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
It's up to Democrats to save Republicans from themselves. If we allow the Republican party say who can and cannot vote in Ohio and other states that they are challenging as they did in Florida, it will devastate our democratic system. We will no longer be able to choose our elected officials, we (Democrats and Republicans) will be at the mercy of the Republican party and big money.
It's time for the average Republican to step up and say to it's leadership "enough is enough", stop selling us down the river to big money.
Kenneth called it a sacred right in his post "
352 users liked this comment Rate a Thumb Up Rate a Thumb Down 22 users disliked this comment Kenneth • 2 hours 48 minutes ago Report Abuse
I can't believe this. I remember people used to say "I don't care who you vote for just vote." Now these thinly veiled attempts to make it harder for some people to vote have replaced what used to be a sacred right that all Americans protected no matter what party the voter supported. The... More." It is a sacred right that should be supported by all parties, not just Democrats..

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