Saturday, September 1, 2012

Forceful arrests inflame sentiment toward LAPD

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Is the real reason "Because there's videotape in these incidents, they get a lot of media attention," Smith said." or is it that you are doing to us the very things we have hired you to protect us from.
A criminal in a police uniform is a more dangerous criminal because his prey is unprotected.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Livestrong donations skyrocket after Armstrong’s decision

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Lance Armstrong has never given a positive test and if he had, who cares. The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency needs to get a life and leave Lance Armstrong alone. I would like to see the NBA, NFL and whatever they call baseball to stop censorship of athletes and stop the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency from harassing it's athletes.
Athletes do whatever to takes to be the best and should not be shackled by U.S. Anti-Doping Agency no matter how well they claim their intentions are.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Oil price falls after report of more supplies

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
With the advances in hydrogen technology, the need for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve is diminishing as our hydrogen powered fleets of military vehicles and power units increase.
Due to the military's purchase of hydrogen technology and power units by Western Countries, the price of oil stock will plummet within the next five to ten years.
If the U.S. Government. decides to play catch-up with the western block of countries and help in building of a public
hydrogen infrastructure across the interior of the U.S., it would hasten the demise of our dependence on foreign oil and sharply decrease the flow of cash to terrorist countries.
California along with some of the East Coast states have begun to build a public hydrogen infrastructure.
What's needed now is for the Federal Government to step up to the plate and offer incentives to build a public hydrogen infrastructure across the interior of the U.S. The government needs to work with private industry to promote technology that is in our best interest. Toyota has promised to release a hydrogen fueled vehicle in 2015, Honda has been selling hydrogen fueled vehicles to a select few for a number of years. Most of the remaining companies have completed testing and are prepared to release a hydrogen fueled model as soon as we put together an infrastructure that will support consumer confidence in refueling the vehicles.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

jonymor: If Bush Tax Cuts End, It Will Cost. A Lot

jonymor: If Bush Tax Cuts End, It Will Cost. A Lot: 0 users liked this comment Thumbs Up Thumbs Down 0 users disliked this comment Jonymor  •  a second ago Remove This is a Republican...

If Bush Tax Cuts End, It Will Cost. A Lot

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
This is a Republican scare tactic. The numbers quoted are meaningless. More than 80% of tax payers will not see an increase in their taxes. They are using lies and the fear of the consequences from those lies to entice voters to their side. Don't be fooled by the groupies for the rich.

jonymor: Some below poverty line don't qualify for Medicaid...

jonymor: Some below poverty line don't qualify for Medicaid...: Both parties in the presidential campaign are focusing on the middle class and leaving the uninsured working poor largely invisible.  T he ...

Some below poverty line don't qualify for Medicaid Read more:

Both parties in the presidential campaign are focusing on the middle class and leaving the uninsured working poor largely invisible. The uninsured working poor if combined with the 9 to 14 percent unemployed will give whomever can get their support the white house. It's that combination of voters that need to see the writing on the wall, put race aside and retake Congress for the Democrats so that Obama can continue in his struggle to protect both the  uninsured working poor and all Americans. The double R brand (Ryan and Romney) have promised to make insurance unavailable to the uninsured working poor, the unemployed  and to sharply increase premiums to the middle class and seniors.
The double R brand along with the Governors of Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas in their denial that there is an equality problem will sacrifice a large number of white voters in order to hurt a small number of black voters. It's time for those voters to wake up and stop being sacrificed to empower the rich. We are in this together, let's fight together for equality.
Read more:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Joe Biden to supporters: Mitt Romney will ‘put you all back in chains’

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
The only reason that I would vote for Obama and Biden is the fact that if I did not, I would be risking Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan being elected and I love my country to much to allow them an unopposed election victory. I absolutely hate some of the decisions that Obama made, but a vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would be voting for anarchy and economic slavery for middle class and the poor Americans.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thousands of fish die as Midwest streams heat up

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
Most of these comments completely miss the point . Most of us has at some time in our lives have been in a situation where the heat made breathing difficult. That will soon be the rule rather than the exception. What happened to the fish will happen to us if we continue to do nothing about global warming.

'This is not science but what I see happening to our planet. If you take a kids spinning top and center a weight directly on top of the spinning top it will spin normally, but if you move the weight off center you affect it's rotation.
             We have two elements in play that are contributing to global warming which is affecting                                      
             the rotation of the earth, oil depletion and melting ice caps. There is no way of predicting 
             how the rotation will manifest. We could possibly end up with no rotation not unlike the    
             moon with one side always light and hot, and the other side dark and cold.
             It is more obvious to farmers that our seasons are changing, but before they can adjust to 
             the current change they will have lost most of their crops and will not be able to predict 
             how the continuing change will affect their future crops.'

Monday, August 6, 2012

Poll: More Obama voters than McCain voters are switching parties this year

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Jonymor • a second agoRemove
I think that most of those 8 percent believe that Obama sold them out with his endorsement of same sex marriage and his stand on illegal immigration. If not for a belief among most Democrats that Rommey is a nut case and will lead the country in the wrong direction, more Democrats would abandon Obama.
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