Monday, July 25, 2011

Where do African Americans go from here?

We, African Americans, fought for White Americans freedom as well as our own and yet we still remain at the end of the line. Our legislators are continually writing legislation that pushes us so far back that the end of the line would be a big step forward. Our legislators are continually granting special privileges to special groups for political gain.
I was particularly disturbed by the special protections granted to gays for choosing to be gay and the special privileges given to them for same sex marriage. If you choose to be different, you should not be rewarded with special privileges. African Americans who were already at the end of the line have now been pushed back even further to make room for a pseudo group of people.
I have been a supporter of California Governor Jerry Brown since his first two term as governor. The bill under consideration in the legislature that would allow illegal immigrants to qualify for publicly funded scholarships should be dead on arrival. This bill would not only push African Americans further back, it would also push legal Mexican Americans who are only a step ahead of African Americans in line, further back. The ramifications of trying to be everything to everybody for political gain hurts those that can are already enduring more than their share of pain.

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