Saturday, August 13, 2011

As am African American

As am African American, I was quick to jump on the band wagon in support of Barrack Obama. Now in hind sight, I see that we as black people should have reserved our energy for a black President that reflects our American values. Barrack Obama was raised in countries that do not respect individual freedoms or individuals and I believe that is why he is insensitive to individual freedoms. I support health care reform, but I strongly object to the mandate requiring individuals to purchase health insurance. It's an assault on our personal freedoms and constitutional guarantees.
As a democrat and an Afro-American that loves America, I support the republican challenge to the individual mandate and I applaud the appeals court that struck it down. That one gesture on the part of republicans is the only meaningful thing that they have done and will have to be followed by ways to improve the health care legislation.
Simply put, because the republicans have been missing in action, and if no democrat challenges Barrack Obama, I will reluctantly vote for him again.

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