Friday, October 26, 2012

US economic growth improves to 2 pct. rate in Q3

  • jonymor
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    jonymor • a second agoRemove
    Our economy is emerging from a healing process due to severe damage brought on because of the Bush administration policies. We are on a path to a sustained economic recovery based on technology and clean energy that will rival the good economic times of the Clinton era.
    Because our economy was so severely damaged,most workers in newly created jobs are paying off debt. As their debt decreases spending will increase and new jobs will increase and our economy will soar. Under President Obama's leadership we will again become the envy of the free world.
    Your choice at the polls will be Obama and prosperity or Romney and a depressed economy. I believe that if you do the math, you will vote for Obama and prosperity Look beyond the obvious and look at the character of the people that are supporting Obama and compare them to the character of the people supporting Romney. Do the math and consider how each candidate changed positions on issues.
    Since the beginning of time we have used math as a tool of measurement and it has never let us down. Do the math now and go to the polls and vote for prosperity.

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